WAAE Clock Hours

WAAE Sponsored Clock Hours

WAAE sponsors clock hours for various professional development events that aligns with the requirements and recommendations of PESB. 

Clock Hours are approved three times a year:

-Fall Exec (October)

-Spring Exec (March)

-WAAE Summer Conference

If you would like to have a professional development considered at Fall Exec this year, please fill out this form below. You will not need to apply for WAAE provided professional development, like WAAE Owl Chats or WAAE Summer Conference, as those will be approved through the committee already. 

What is the Clock Hours Process?

Clock hours can be provided for professional development opportunities for WAAE members. Hours cannot be provided for meetings, for supervision of students, or meal times (unless there is professional development is occurng during that time). 

What will need to be provided for the clock hours to be approved?

What will I need to do during/after the professional development to receive clock hours?

If the professional development is being offered by you/your district, you will need to collect an attendance sheet. 

If you are attending a professional development, you will need to provide documentation from the group/organization of the hours you completed (like a certificate from NAAE, Green and Growing, etc). 

After the event, you will need to complete the exit survey. This is open for 10 days after your event. If not completed in that timeframe, you will not receive your clock hours. 

After I have done all my work, when will I receive my clock hours form?

After the exit survey closes, you should receive your clock hours form within a week emailed to you. 

Do my clock hours automatically get uploaded to my certification portal or do I need to enter my information?

WAAE does not have to capacity to enter this into the PESB system for you. You will need to input the information into your certification portal. Make sure to keep a copy of your form as well in your professional records. 

Don't know how to do that? 

Currently, our WAAE Clock Hours Coordinator is Lori Sanderson. If you have questions, please reach out to her at: lsanderson@lrschools.org