WAAE Traditions

Tail Twister Fund Description and Guidelines

When someone in our WAAE family gets married, has a child, an illness or death in their family, the tail twister fund is used to provide an acknowledgement from the WAAE. To use the fund, please contact the WAAE Executive Director or one of the officers. The tail twister is a fund from which we provide our sympathy and compassion from the WAAE membership to one of our “family”. We can list the concern on the WAAE List Serv so the membership is aware of the concern and is able to respond as is appropriate. When contacting the executive officers, please include the following information:

                  Your name and phone number or e-mail address

                  Name of member

                  Event or item of concern

                  Address where member is located (home, hospital, etc.)

                  Phone number where member can be contacted

                  Whether information should be posted on the list serv 

The tail twister fund is added to by the membership each year during summer conference. During roll call, herd reports are given by the membership identifying events that have occurred in our lives during the past year. These include marriages, offspring, graduation, etc. For these reports, we ask for a $5 donation per update to the Tail Twister fund. Please understand you must also contribute to the tail twister fund if you are not wearing your name tag during roll call, or if you cell phone rings during any of the general sessions.

WAAE Traditions

Meetings: To commence meetings, a cow bell is rung in the hall to gather members into the meeting room. Sessions are an important part of summer conference, as this is where the business and updates occur. Although this information may not be the most energizing, it is ESSENTIAL to the success of our programs so appropriate behavior is requested. If your cell phone rings, during conference sessions, you owe the tail twister fund $5.


Name Tags: It is difficult to know every teacher in our state. During the meetings at summer conference, we ask that you wear your name tags for identification. If you are not wearing your name tag during roll call you will need to contribute a $5 donation to the tail twister fund. Contact the WAAE Executive Director to order a name tag.

Roll Call: During conference, a roll call of members is done, which is a great time for learning the new teachers’ name. During the roll call, we ask for reports, these reports consist of events that have occurred in your life during the previous year. This way everyone at sessions can learn about marriages, children and grandchildren you have come into your life during the past year. For each of these reports, we ask for a $5 donation to the tail twister fund.


Faux Pas Award: The largest blunder of the year is awarded the faux pas award. The award recognizes, with humor, the accidents relating to a teacher’s job, which unfortunately occur. The winner of the faux pas is awarded a trophy with a horse’s back side in honor of their “accomplishment”.

Softball: The softball game usually consists members from the east side competing against members from the west side. Each side has a speaker or commissioner who presents at the sessions before and after the game. This is a great chance to compete and harass each other in complete fun with no real negativity, with a community BBQ following the game.

Social and Auction: The auction during the conference is an important event for teachers. Funds raised go to support coaches of state winning teams for upcoming national convention. There is a live and a silent auction with high and lower priced items. Items for the auction are always welcome as well as financial support through bidding. This money goes to us and we need to help support ourselves.


Quarter Century Club: When you have taught for 25 years, you are an invited member to the Quarter Century Club. This group consists of people still teaching and those who have retired. The club’s activities consist of a breakfast during conference as well as strong support for the auction. A spouse’s breakfast is also provided on the same morning.


Officer Elections: A new officer is selected each year from the state membership. It is advised that the officer candidates have at least 10 years (a minimum of 5 years is required) of experience and are from the side of the mountains that conference is being held on, this allows us to alternate sides. Officer candidates are asked to help hand out door prize tickets at the meetings and collect tickets at the banquet. Candidates should also select a person to speak on their behalf during the voting session. The speaker is usually a member who knows the candidate well and can describe their qualities, which would make them an outstanding officer. Typically, two candidates are selected for each year to run for office. The candidate election committee consists of the past three state presidents. If you are interested in becoming an officer, be sure to contact a current member of the board.